Thursday, January 18, 2018

LAD/Blog #30: Wilson's First Inaugural

  • Wilson starts off by mentioning the domination of the Democratic Party, and how he hopes to change this in the upcoming years
  • looks down upon America's former successes, due to the destruction of nature, high death rates, waste, over-taxation, and losing sight of the voice of the people
  • is very progressive in this sense, as he mentions a whole list of changes that need to be made in the government and country
  • "our work is a work of restoration," believes in correcting all that is wrong with America
  • addresses tariffs, the banking system, industrialization, and the environment, saying that they all are areas that need work
  • believes it is the duty of the government to protect the people
  • says it is necessary to establish laws for sanitation, food and drugs, and working conditions
  • his address is a promise to the people that change will come, and that it will benefit the American people
Wilson's Inaugural Address was very similar to Lincoln's Inaugural Address.  Both presidents talked about reforms that were necessary for the country's survival, and why they felt so.  In addition, both presidents clearly state their views for the country to hear: Lincoln establishes his stance on slavery, and Wilson talks about progressive reform.

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