Saturday, March 3, 2018

LAD/Blog #34: FDR's First Inaugural

FDR's First Inaugural Address (1933)
  • FDR's first inaugural address, which was very memorable, was made on March 4th, 1933
  • One of the most famous quotes of his is right in the beginning of his speech: "So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
  • This quote was very inspirational and motivational for American citizens during this time period (the Great Depression)
  •  FDR also mentions how it is very important that they focus on the existing truth, and brings up how the Great Depression really wasn't severe as rumors were making it out to be
  • The address shows FDR's optimism, without the pure idealism or ignorance of previous presidents 
  •  He carefully explains how the situation really isn't as bad, since everything was focused around materialistic things, substances that the American people really did not need to live, and how it could be much worse with other things such as disease
  • FDR uses the current state of America to spread hope of the future while still acknowledging the struggles to come
  • He also explains how other leaders before him fell short due to their fear, and how he aims to take action in a different way, with God's blessing
  • "Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort"
George Washington's inaugural address was similar to FDR's first one, for several reasons.  First, both speeches were very memorable, as Washington was the first President, and FDR's was very motivational and during a time of economic downfall for the country.  In addition, both of them clearly outline their beliefs, along with actions they hope to take in the future to make the nation even better.  They focus on the truth of the situation they are in, and how they plan on making the best of it.

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