Wednesday, December 20, 2017

LAD/Blog #23: McKinley's War Message

William McKinley starts his message by saying how this is his response towards the Cuban Revolution (against Spain).  He also explains that he chose to get further involved in ending this conflict due to the connection between it and the Union.  Trade has suffered greatly during this conflict, money provided by the US has been lost, and Americans are becoming tired of this lifestyle.  All of these things convince McKinley to ask Congress for the declaration of war, in order to put an end to the conflict sooner.  He tries his best to convince Congress to either make a treaty or compromise, or promote one side over the other in order to speed up the process.  Later on, though, McKinley states how he would rather still remain quite neutral throughout this whole process, instead of siding against Cuba.  He stresses the importance of the alliance between Cuba and the US, and how both countries rely on each other for different things (interdependence).
Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality can be used a synthesis for McKinley's War Message because both deal with the US's struggle to remain neutral when various obstacles in the war.  Washington's proclamation introduces the idea of neutrality, stating its importance for the future of America.  McKinley believes in his, saying that the best way to resolve this conflict would be to remain mainly neutral, in order to ensure the conflict doesn't get any worse.

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