Wednesday, December 20, 2017

LAD/Blog #24: Populist (People's) Party Platform


1.  The Preamble:
  • created during a time of corruption and upheaval for the country
  • period of increased censorship by government
  • two great classes: tramps and millionaires 
  • the value of silver has been decreased in order to form a solely gold-based currency
  • the country has lost sight of many things due to the constant rivalry between the two political parties 
  • party seeks to restore the government of the Republic to the hands of the ''plain people'' (the original class)
  • many similar core values to the original preamble of the Constitution
  • believed in increasing the power of both the government and the people
2.  The Platform:
  • Omaha Platform was drafted by Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota
  • declared union labor forces should be permanent from that day forward
  • believed people need to work to earn things, "if any will not work, neither shall he eat"
  • favored strict civil-service regulation
  • demanded a national safe, sound, and flexible currency
  • believed the government should alter transportation (the railroads) to favor the common man
  • land is the heritage of the people, and therefore should not be monopolized
3.  The Resolutions that made up the Expression of Sentiments:
  • demanded a free ballot and fair count in all elections
  • supported fair and liberal pensions to ex-Union soldiers/sailors
  • demanded enforcement of the exiting eight-hour labor law
  • wanted to limit both the President and Vice President to one term only
As the current President of the United States, Donald Trump is a great example of a modern populist candidate, even though the party was created in 1892.  He ha lots of appeal to the center, and the broadness of which help him win the election in 2016.  Trump was greatly supported by the South and Midwest, both of which are mainly populist areas.  Trump is indifferent to the issues of sexual orientation that animate the declining religious right, even to the point of defending Planned Parenthood.

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