Friday, November 10, 2017

LAD/Blog #12: Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

1.  Democratic Principles:
  • All men and women are created equal
  • All humans are given certain inalienable rights by their Creator: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
  • The government obtains its power through the governed peoples
  • If the government fails to give these rights to the people, they have the right to overthrow the government and create a new one
2.  Grievances:
  1. Men take away a woman's right to own property
  2. Men take away a woman's right to their own wages
  3. Men take away a woman's right to an education at college
  4. Men take away a woman's right to have a say in government and the law
  5. Men take away rights from women that are given to all other men
3.  Final Resolution:
In this declaration, women argue that they have been deprived of their natural rights for too long, and demand to be given these rights at once, as rightful citizens of the United States.

4.  Names:
  1. Frederick Douglas
  2. Henry Seymour
  3. Thomas M'Clintock
  4. Jacob Mathews
  5. James Mott
Susan B. Anthony did not sign the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments.
Both the 19th Amendment and the earlier idea of Republican Motherhood were very similar to this Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments.  The declaration was signed by many women and men who were outraged with the lack of women's rights in the United States.  Similarly, the supporters of Republican Motherhood believed that women should not just be kept inside the home, and should be given a higher political status and place in the world.  The 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution in 1920, finally giving women the right to vote, which was a step in the right direction to giving women equal rights that men already had.

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