Sunday, November 26, 2017

LAD/Blog #20: Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

Lincoln's 2nd inaugural address was shorter than the first one, since the initial oath had already taken place.  He reflects on how previously, four years ago, all focus and attention went towards the potential of civil war.  Lincoln explains how he viewed everyone to be on the same page, trying to avoid the potential of upcoming war.  Both parties seemed to be against the war, but ultimately were further against keeping the nation together the way it was, and so the war went on.  With one eighth of the country's population belonging to slaves, it was unsurprising that there was conflict, mainly in the South.  Both parties, while against the Union in some way, also looked for a different way to solve the conflict, though, one that did not involve war.  Lincoln explains how the previous prayers to God seem to have been ignored, yet he still has faith that this war will not end in two separate countries, and that God continues to listen to their pleas.  The president ends his speech by saying that he believes God will allow them to continue their fight for unity, and help them establish national peace.  
Washington's Inaugural Address was very similar and different to Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.  For example, both speeches discussed ideals of unity and peace, and potential or existing conflict.  Washington's address warned the country of potential conflicts with other countries outside of the US, saying that the best thing for the country would be to remain neutral.  The irony, within Lincoln's speech, is that the conflict is within the US itself, and this war was not brought on by any foreign affairs.  Both addresses discuss these issues that the US has, and stress the importance of not letting those issues divide the United States.

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