Friday, November 10, 2017

LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message

Polk started his message with an explanation of how the United States had previously been trying hard to maintain peace with Mexico.  He made it clear how America tried to reach out and support Mexico, only to have them fight back, invade the country, and even kill some Americans.  This upset was very unexpected, as Polk had previously sent John Slidell as a diplomat to negotiate terms of peace between the two countries.  The violent actions of the Mexicans led them to ignore Slidell's attempts for peace.  After being rejected multiple times by General Pardedes, Slidell returned to the US to report back to President Polk.  Once he got the news, Polk sent US troops down to the Del Norte River as defense.  Instead, these troops led to the Mexican's thinking the US soldiers were going to launch an attack.  Ultimately, Polk decided that this war was unavoidable, and order the US troops to fight back so the country would not appear weak. 
Polk's War Message was very similar to Madison's declaration in the War of 1812.  Both presidents did not want a war, but they also both thought the war was unavoidable and necessary due to conflicts with other countries that would not respect the US's wishes for neutrality and peace.  Both declarations were passed by Congress, both led to wars, and both wars were declared under the same mind set.

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